Blue Energy Solutions Australia Achieves ISO 45001 Certification!

Blue Energy Solutions Australia is proud to announce that it has achieved the ISO 45001 certification. This certification recognizes Blue Energy Solutions Australia’s commitment to providing its customers with a safe and healthy working environment. The process of obtaining this certification involved an extensive audit of our operations, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with the highest standards.

“We are extremely proud to have achieved this milestone” said Lead Engineer, Jake Thodey.

“This certification demonstrates our commitment to providing our employees and customers with a safe and healthy working environment. It also shows that we are dedicated to continuous improvement in all areas of our operations”, said Director, Bill Atlee.

The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is an independent body that sets international standards for quality assurance and safety management systems. The ISO 45001 standard provides organisations with a framework for minimising workplace risks while improving employee health and safety performance.

To become ISO 45001 certified, Blue Energy Solutions Australia had to go through a rigorous audit process which included documenting processes, identifying risks, developing control strategies, and implementing corrective actions where necessary. By achieving this certification, Blue Energy Solutions Australia has demonstrated its commitment to providing high-quality products and services while ensuring a safe working environment for all employees.

In addition, Blue Energy Solutions Australia is committed to ongoing improvement in the quality of its services by regularly monitoring performance against established standards and goals.

“We will continue to strive towards excellence in all aspects of our business,” said Bill Atlee. “Our goal is to always provide our customers with the best possible experience.”

At Blue Energy Solutions Australia we believe that safety should be at the forefront of any organisation’s operations. We are proud that we have been able to achieve the ISO 45001 certification as it demonstrates our dedication towards making sure we provide a safe work environment for all employees.